Several of my drawings are now available exclusively through BFP Creative’s online show, “On-Lined Paper.”
Buy my drawings online Here!
ON-LINED PAPER is an exclusively-online, curated exhibit of drawings and works on paper.
Featuring work by: Liz Atzberger, Victor Balanon, Melinda Beck, Gregory Benton, Colleen Blackard, Nathan Bond, Paul Brainard, Patrick Carroll, Beata Chrzanowska, Collin Clarke, Ehren Clodfelter, Hannah Drossman, Burr Dodd, Carl Dunn, Jon Elliott, Ed Flanagan, Jean Foos, Leah Goren, Jen Hitchings, Jordin Isip, Nils Karsten, Aubrey Learner, Hannah Lee, Eliot Markell, Aleen Montchal, Robert Nava, Jon Newman, Nora Normile, Brian O’Neill, Don Pablo Pedro, Chelsey Pettyjohn, Monica Ramos, Hazel Lee Santino, Hiba Schahbaz, Paula Searing, Qiaoyi Shi, Josie Stevenson, Jeanne Tremel and Oliver Warden.
BFP Creative / 119 INGRAHAM ST / BROOKLYN, NY, 11237