Interview with Rare Module

On a beautiful day in May, my studio was visited by the talented filmmaker Amen Obasuyi of Rare Module. We talked about my artwork, my technique, and plans for the large “Abandoned Series” I’ve now begun. See the videos from our interview below.

What are my influences and favorite artists? Watch the preview of my interview to find out:

See the full interview with Rare Module, available on their site:

The interview was then picked up by – Art – She Put’s The ‘C’ In Creativity, We Just Love Her Style – Ballpoint Pen Drawings: Artist Colleen Blackard (Official VIDEO

And by MajorCurators – Better Pen Game Than Your Favorite Rapper.  They even made this GIF of the video!

drawinggif #allday

What was I drawing? Watch the time-lapse video and see:

The final image of my portrait of Jacob Mondry:

Jacob Mondry

Jacob Mondry

You can check out the talented Jacob Mondry’s heartfelt music here: